Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Leaning tower of Pisa

Basilica at Pisa

close up ot the tower's floors

After deciding we were going to head south to the Ligurian coast, the weather turned nasty! A storm raged Sunday night and it brough heavy constant rain. It didnt deter us, we wanted to see The Tower! It rained most of the way but stopped as we reached the parking lot so we were able to enjoy the area around the tower- the basilica and the cathedral - without getting wet. Caitlin and I climbed the tower as Andrew had been there and done that as a 7 year old. It was an experience walking up the stairs and around the tilting floor, something that I didn't feel comfotable with but pleased I did it. Italy is not short of amazing buildings, mostly centered around their faith. The tower was built around the 1400's as a bell tower for the cathedral next door.

We drove through 'Cinque Terre' on the way up to Como today. Fantastic views from the never ending steep  twisty roads.
Sorry...will post more pictures when I get faster internet speed, taking ages to upload at the moment.

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