Sunday, October 31, 2010

Lake Como

After leaving Lerici we followed the coast along Cinque Terre and then headed north to Lake Como. We took the funiculore to the highest town in the Como area then the ferry to a lovely cobbled street village (which is very popular with the tourist).

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Leaning tower of Pisa

Basilica at Pisa

close up ot the tower's floors

After deciding we were going to head south to the Ligurian coast, the weather turned nasty! A storm raged Sunday night and it brough heavy constant rain. It didnt deter us, we wanted to see The Tower! It rained most of the way but stopped as we reached the parking lot so we were able to enjoy the area around the tower- the basilica and the cathedral - without getting wet. Caitlin and I climbed the tower as Andrew had been there and done that as a 7 year old. It was an experience walking up the stairs and around the tilting floor, something that I didn't feel comfotable with but pleased I did it. Italy is not short of amazing buildings, mostly centered around their faith. The tower was built around the 1400's as a bell tower for the cathedral next door.

We drove through 'Cinque Terre' on the way up to Como today. Fantastic views from the never ending steep  twisty roads.
Sorry...will post more pictures when I get faster internet speed, taking ages to upload at the moment.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Gulf of Poets

View from our hotel window in Lerici
Here we are along the Italian Ligurian Coast. We are staying in a hotel across from the beach and I can hear the sound of the gentle waves crashing along the shoreline as I watch sail boats sway rythmically (this IS known as the Gulf of Poets, so I'm being poetic- if not corny!).

Last week was very hectic. Brenden spent most of the week in Tuscany with us. We visited the local area and major cities:
In the city square in Siena

fountain in city square, Siena

view of Siena

Firenze (Florence)
Along the Ponte Vecchio

Caitlin tempting the carabinieri

perverted sculpture in one of the city's squares (look at those abs!)  

       In front of a Roman king's shrine in Rome (nicked named 'the wedding cake'
The Colosseum, an amazing place
market place in Roma dating back to 80AD

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Italy so far

After traveling for hours and hours on windy mountainous roads through thousands of tunnels, we finally arrived at our Tuscan destination. Chianti, the area of Tuscany, is very beautiful with lots of large vineyards with their buildings set on the highest point of the property-picture perfect places. Food is great and the waistline is expanding!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

We have just spent four very busy days in Lyon with Brenden's French exchange family. We were treated to fabulous Lyonnais food every night as our host went out of her way to prepare traditional Lyon four-course meals. Lyon is a very beautiful city full of history, including Roman ruins 1000 years old.
Roman ruins in Lyon

Andrew and I with our hosts Pascal and Francoise at the Roman ruins
Andrew and I with Marseille in the the back ground
Old Marseille harbour

Cait with a couple of small cakes in St Remy de Provence

a swim in the Mediterranean Sea
Cait and Anne in Lyon

We are now in Cassis, east of Marseille. The south coast is lovely but very busy and full of tourists. The weather has been mild, Cait and Andrew went for a swim in the Mediterranean Sea.

Monday, October 4, 2010

heading south

Arrived at our gorgeous medieval 14th century home (in an amazing medieval village of Limeuil) late Saturday evening. Went straight to dinner at the local restuarant which, like everywhere in France, had great food. The village is set on a hill overlooking the Dordogne and Vezere Rivers. The village was established as a port as transportation of many goods was done by boat. The church bells wakes the whole village up at 8am but if that doesn't wake you the goats with their bells and bleating or the 100s of roostres will.
We spent Sunday morning at a market in nearby St Cyprien. Too much wonderful food hence spent hundreds of euros on fresh fruit, vegs, meats and cheeses (we are 3 and its for the week and we are doing lots of walking!). It was a beautiful day with a top of 27C.
Today, Monday started fine but the rain soon set in and will be here for a while so we've decided to have a relaxing day- just chillin'.

Tours on way south to Limeuil

on way to Limeuil

Beynac near Limeuil

Cait reading on the window ledge of our 14th century house

one of the many beautiful chateaux in Perigord region 

me buying berries at St Cyprien market

Series of 4 chateaux somewhere in the Perigord region on way to Limeuil

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Paris and beyond

Left Paris after another full day of walking and sight seeing. Had an interesting top deck bus tour of the city, there are some truely beautiful areas of the city but I would not like to be Poor in Paris! Picked up our lease car and set off south. Spent an hour doing a tree top adventure course (I only did the babies one, scared of heights). Spent the night at Tours and will be setting off for our none week stay in Limeuil.

Us at the top of La Tour Eiffel. Amazing structure and views.

Happy chappy at La Notre Dame. Again amazing! Love the surrounding area. I now know where I want to live and shop!

Yeah! the eiffel Tower!

Under the arc of L'Arc de Triomphe. Interesting monument to have in the middle of a round-a-bout.